The lilies know it’s time to rise.


Was planning to have a plain and simple meal of rice and dal but then a few more things got added.

This sign was the cutest of the three along this section of sidewalk.

Jenni makes good use of a lull in the winter rains.

Noticed a nice contrast between the leaves and their edges, as a result of being backlit.

The view above when bench pressing at the gym.

This orchid plant by the kitchen window is always a pleasure to look at.

One downside of the lovely Downlink app wallpapers is that I constantly get to see how sunny it is in California while it is super cloudy here in the Pacific NW.

Sometimes clouds hide the sunsets, other times they reveal them.

Kitty spotted.

Reflecting on the fact that daily prompts for photography aren’t really my thing but I’m giving it a shot anyway.

Attended a meditative soundscape last night. Helped to turn the sight inwards. And wow those bowls can create some intense sounds!

Open reservoir at Mt. Tabor.

I’m working on an iOS app to batch upload photos to your hosted site. If you’d like to check it out, here’s the TestFlight invite:…

Let me know what you think :-)

Update (3rd Feb): I’ve increased the limit on the beta, so please try again in case you missed it before.

Achievement Unlocked.

The morning sun made my keyboard colors pop 😍

The Morning Show.

A sunny day made the backyard moss look very vibrant.

If you had a Geocities site, it may still be living in this archive:

Mine’s lost to the times. It was at