My Valentine
My valentine, my wife of nearly eleven months, is such an inspiration to me in so many ways. She inspires me to be a better husband and man, and to take better care of myself.
I want to especially call out her incredible determination over the last couple of years to running regularly. She took it upon herself to start running again after a long pause. I recall how hard it was for her to train up to running her first 5K, and then her first quarter marathon. Later that same year, with an amazing effort, she ran her first half marathon, followed one year later by her second one.
These days a 5K is just a regular run, which blows my mind. Through all the seasons, and injuries, she is going stronger than ever.
🛠️ Long Workbench
After building storage shelves towards the end of the year, I turned my eyes to the other side of that area and decided to build a workbench there. The idea being that it would house my new 3D printer, and also have room for other projects that I didn’t want to do in the dusty environment of the woodworking area. I drew up a rough plan on a photo and it came to 12 feet by 2 feet.
Its frame would be made of 2x4 lumber held together with pocket screws (a first for me, so I went and bought a jig!). The top would have two layers of 3/4" plywood. It didn’t need to be fancy, so I decided to use more of the same birch plywood I’d used for the storage shelves.
Installing the frame was a little bit tricky but I managed to do it by myself by stacking some boxes for support, and attached it to the bare studs with lag screws.
Then it was time to make the front legs. The floor in the basement is not only not level but also has lumpy concrete in some spots. So each leg had to be constructed by trial and error for the place it would stand.
Now I was ready to build the surface which had a base, and a top. The base went on pretty quickly. I screwed down from the top to attach it to the frame. The top was made of the same plywood but I finished it with two coats of polyurethane using a spray. Spray was a bad idea, but more on that later. I installed the top by screwing up from underneath the base.
After a week I started to build the other half. It was the same process but due to issues with the studs, I had to cut a couple of dados.
The rest of it went smoothly, and I lined it up as best as I could with the first half.
Next I fastened 2x2 boards all along the edges, and mounted a strip of the same plywood along the back, and with that, it was completed.
So far I don’t feel the need for all the legs I had in the sketch, but I can add more if needed.
Lessons were (hopefully) learned. Mainly to not use spray poly to finish a large flat surface, and also not to do it in the house, even if it was in the rough basement. I finished the second one in the shed.
A new version of Mimi Uploader is out with even more support for Photo Collections 🎉
The previous release had the ability to see your list of collections. This new one adds the following features:
- Add photos to collections from the list of recent uploads. Tap and hold a single photo, or use the “…” menu on en entry that has a batch of photos to add them all.
- Delete a photo from a collection. When browsing a collection, tap and hold on a photo to see the option to delete.
- Create a collection. Just tap “+” on the collections list.
I’m finding this way of managing my collections to be great. Hope you like it too!
You can get Mimi Uploader for free from the App Store.
As discussed in a previous post, the Photo Collections feature is only available to Supporter. You can become a Supporter using the sliding scale in the app.
🛠️ Basement Storage Shelves
Over the last week or so I designed and built freestanding storage shelves in our basement. Inspired by this video, and other similar ones, I decided that I would give it a go.
The basement had become a mess of stuff, about 70% of which was worth keeping. So we started by re-organizing what we wanted to keep and the rest we discarded/donated/gave-away.
On the 23rd I drew up the plan, and we went and bought the first set of materials from a neighborhood building material store, which has amazing people. Then came the holiday, so I didn’t start to build until the 26th.
The first set took a while to make as I was new to it and wanted to make sure I got the measurements right as we had already got the plywood cut at the store. On the 27th I put the first shelf together.
The design allows for expanding on either side, so right away I built an extension. This time it went really fast, even with a drive to the store to get more materials.
This second set had only two shelves that were half as deep so we didn’t block the window, and also Jenni could place her paddle board bag vertically to easily pick up or drop off. I noticed that the there was a sag on this shelf, so later I added a strip of wood for additional support.
On the 28th I built yet another extension. This time I didn’t have enough plywood for three levels, so for the time being it only has two, but hey, those box fans fit nicely in there.
Yesterday I completed another extension and that should be good for our current needs. From one end to another these shelves are 15 feet (~ 4.5m)
I will observe how it performs, and have ideas to add more structural support if needed.
I’m really happy with how these turned out, and with our efforts, the entire space looks and feels so much better already.
P.S. As I was building this I also organized my basement shop that I hadn’t used in a long time, including installing these wall-mounted shelves to hold lumber.
P.P.S The end posts are also 2x4s, but they look like 4x4s in the photo, likely due to distortion from the use of an ultra-wide lens.
Happy New Year! 🥳
Back to Reading
I enjoy reading but realized that this activity had reduced in my life. So this year I made a concerted effort to read more, and it worked. I’ve found that the key to my enjoyment of reading is to read a variety. So I mix books that are short, long, fiction, non-fiction, old, new, most-often read genres and others.
On average I’m reading smaller books than before, but I’m reading a whole lot more of them, as seen in these charts.
Yes, these stats are silly, but perhaps you can think of other silly stats I could be tracking and charting? Let me know!
Oh, and if you’re wondering which books, well, head on over to the books page.
Here’s to more reading in 2025 😊
A new version of Mimi Uploader is out with support for Photo Collections 🎉
As discussed in the previous post, the feature is only available to subscribers to become a Supporter using the sliding scale in the app.
The initial release of this feature provides the ability to see the list of your collections, as well as each individual collection. More features are coming soon. Hope you like it!
You can get Mimi Uploader from the App Store.
Happy New Year!
A new Mimi Uploader beta is out with initial support for Photo Collections!
For more details and to join the beta please follow the instructions in the previous post.
Please try it and let me know what you think 😊
(Link to the video embedded above).