Colors of Spring from around the neighborhood.

Dogwood at sunset.

It took a while but I finally finished this puzzle over the weekend. Jenni helped with about 20% of it.

When Siri doesn’t understand my accent or the concept of dal.

We’re taking care of each other in this neighborhood.

My most used emoji seems to be transitioning from 😂 to 🤞

A day off from work was a good idea. We went for a hike at Coyote Wall.

The trails have a gentle grade and there’s plenty of room to distance ourselves when we come across other people.

Lovely views. Small streams and falls. Birds and flowers.

We’d gone there last April as well. This time around we just did a four mile loop.

If you subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud, here’s how you can get two months free at this time:…

It worked for me.

It was pretty lovely outside today.

As many of us practice social distancing, or self-quarantine, I am feeling very grateful to the folks on the front lines of health care, and also those that are making sure my power, water/sewer, gas, internet, and disposal services continue to function. Thank you! ❤️

There There by Tommy Orange

Added to /books

This is a very nice explanation of need for social distancing at this time:…

We got some rare snow today. Apparently haven’t seen snow like this in March since 1968.

This cherry blossomed yard in the neighborhood 😍


Inspired by Patrick Rhone’s /reading page, I’ve created a Books page on my site.

Following is the process I followed to make that happen on my Mac:

  • Export all my books out of Goodreads. You can find the page to do that by navigating to “My Books” and selecting “Import and export” at the bottom of the left sidebar under “Tools”. The exported file is of CSV format, which is pretty standard.
  • Open the export file in a spreadsheeting app. I use Here, you can clean up any data. I added some ISBNs that were missing. I also saved this file so I can just update it in the future as I read books. Another reason I went through this step was because I was having a hard time parsing the original CSV file using the script I wrote.
  • Export the spreadsheet file as CSV.
  • Run it through the script below to generate Markdown that can be pasted directly into the page on my site.

And that’s it!

Here’s the script:

Flowers at sunset, after rain.

All My February Photo Challenge Posts on

1: Open 2: Sight 3: Reflect 4: Spot 5: Hide 6: Plant

7: Above 8: Contrast 9: Lull 10: Sign 11: Plain 12: Attachment

13: Rise 14: Warmth 15: Balance 16: Rest 17: Cool 18: Oppose

19: Space 20: Scale 21: Progress 22: Spectacle 23: Station 24: Double

25: Hurdle 26: Escape 27: Together 28: Below 29: Leap 30: Vision

Some notes:

  • I constrained myself to photos taken on that day. No digging into the archives.
  • A lot of these were taken around the house or the neighborhood. I work from home and tend to go on walks at various times during the day.
  • Some days I took the photo but forgot to post and posted the next morning.
  • I don’t usually do photo challenges, daily or otherwise, so this was harder than I expected. Some days I kinda winged it, as can be seen 😜.

A vision of the coming Spring.

Yard foliage on this leap day.

Looking out and below on a moody afternoon.