🚀 Panorama of the dark side of the moon near Chang'e 4
I saw this article about the Chang’e 4 lander, followed the link to these files, and used those to stitch this panorama of the dark side of the moon.
Update: I’m aware that some parts are missing detail that is present in the original set. I did this real quick. Might fix those up later.
Update 2: I didn’t realize that these photos were taken at difernt times and represented a before and after view, so to speak. Here’s another panorama that shows the view after the rover had wandered about a bit.
Winter evening.
Me on the 29th, and then me on the 30th.
Happy New Year 🥳
Olive showing me a thing or two about #staycation.
What team? I just want a folder that syncs, like it has, for I don’t even recall how long.

Last night’s sunset.
The only winning move is not to play. twitter.com/awgonnerm…
It was a pretty sunrise today 😊
Do decorations made of juniper smell like bad BO to anyone else, or is it just me?!
A handy control in case you need to fine tune your zip code.

Four months seems too short a policy for this, but it also highlights how long it has been since a government action took away a major utility from a lot of citizens. www.theverge.com/2019/12/5…
SE Portland, Oregon. 2nd December, 2019.

Great! Now you just gotta go and turn that preference on in all your seventeen Slacks :picard-facepalm: twitter.com/SlackHQ/s…

Assorted Fall Sun Around the Neighborhood
Things you are not speaking that your kitchen smart assistant is adding to your profile on the company server, now or in the near future:
- Noting how often you open the fridge and for how long it stays open.
- Noting how often you open bags that sound like they contain chips.
- That song you’re humming.
- Noting how often you sniff, or cough, or clear your throat.
- Noting the sounds your appliance makes, to detect the make and model, or the settings you use.
- Noting how often you answer your phone, as opposed to declining the call.
- Noting which notifications are you most likely to respond to by picking up and unlocking your phone.
- That deep breath you just took after a particular notification rang on a particular device.
- That bag of chips you opened a short while after you took that deep breath.
And of course, correlating this data to the time, date, current weather conditions, and past behavior.
Perhaps the company that makes the assistant also knows the content of those notifications and everything else happening on that device because they make that as well.
The machine is learning.
I almost just clicked on an ad with a one action button in the place where sites usually put the cookie disclaimer post-GDPR. Sneaky!
Bike Ride on the Banks Vernonia State Trail
A couple of weeks ago we went on a bike ride on the Banks Vernonia State Trail on the outskirts of the Portland metro area. It was a lovely Fall day. We started at Banks Trailhead, rode for a while past the Buxton Trestle bridge, and then returned the same way. A lot of the way was flat and some parts had a gentle slope. We had a great time. Following are some photos from then.
Activity Stats
Distance: 18 miles
Elevation Gain: 488 ft
Time (including breaks): 2h 20m
Slack on Mac seems to be getting worse, and I didn’t think that was possible.
Voting by mail, as well as email notifications of every step along the way, are awesome. I love voting in Oregon!