Mimi Uploader

    Excited about the next version of Mimi Uploader for iOS 14

    For various reasons, I’ve not been able to give Mimi the time and attention I’d hoped over the last several months, but I’m actively trying to change that. I’m working on an update that takes a fresh approach to the photo selection flow by utilizing new features coming in iOS 14.

    iOS 14 has a powerful new system provided photo picker that lets users pick photos from their library. The new picker has great features for browsing, searching, making multiple selections, etc. This is perfect for apps like Mimi where people can pick the photos they want to upload with minimum friction and with an experience that feels true to iOS. I’m very conscious of privacy in apps, so it gives me great joy to note that with this new picker Mimi will no longer need to ask for Photos permission.

    I had planned to enhance the original photo selection screen with new features for better selection, but now I can utilize that time towards other features that folks have requested. Features that I think will be a lot more useful in the long term, like support for the share sheet, and drag and drop, that allows sending photos into Mimi from other apps. And I have more ideas that I hope to share after this initial set of work is complete.

    I can’t wait to bring this new experience to you sometime after iOS 14 launches this Fall. I appreciate your support and comments. If you’ve liked using Mimi, I’d love it if you could give it a rating or review on the App Store. Thank you!

    Announcing Mimi Uploader for Micro.blog hosted blogs

    Hello friends!

    I’m very excited to announce the launch and availability of my new app, Mimi Uploader.

    Mimi is designed from the ground up to enable super fast uploading of photos from your device to your Micro.blog hosted blogs. Utilize Mimi to upload a set of photos for making your blog post. Maybe a road trip, or a party, or memories of a special day.

    Here’s a video of Mimi in action:

    I found myself uploading batches of photos to Micro.blog fairly frequently, usually to have them all in a blog post about an activity, or event, or a photo essay. I designed and developed Mimi to make that flow as seamless as possible.

    It works just as well for single photo posts. I’ve been using it all month for the February photo blogging challenge.

    I hope you find it as useful as I do 😊

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