Over the last few days I’ve released daily updates to the Mimi Uploader beta. I expect that the most recent one from a few minutes ago will be the last. Hopefully I will submit the app for review tomorrow or the day after after I complete all the release tasks.
If you have any more feedback, please do let me know soon. You can get the beta at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mimi-uploader/id1484555696.
Thank you!
New version of Mimi Uploader is now available on Testflight
A new version of Mimi Uploader is now available for beta testing on Testflight. It requires iOS 14.
If you were on the beta test before, and are now on iOS 14, please give it a shot.
If you haven’t been on the beta and would like to be, you can join using this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/AbjtGWge
I made a little weather dashboard app years ago. It’s only on my iPhone. One visual detail I added was using the AQI colors on the values. And boy that’s gotten a lot of use this week!
Uploaded using Mimi.
First sighting of some clouds and a bit of blue sky after several days. Nice to see but this isn’t over yet.
Uploaded using Mimi.
On a walk in the neighborhood a couple of days ago before the AQI got really bad.
The Sun was a red dot. Now it’s not even visible.
We’ve been having a lot of smoke from wildfires in the state. It’s an emergency and has been reported about in major news so I won’t go into details. We’re taking care and staying indoors until the AQI improves, which is expected in a couple of days 🤞
Uploaded using Mimi.
Excited about the next version of Mimi Uploader for iOS 14
For various reasons, I’ve not been able to give Mimi the time and attention I’d hoped over the last several months, but I’m actively trying to change that. I’m working on an update that takes a fresh approach to the photo selection flow by utilizing new features coming in iOS 14.
iOS 14 has a powerful new system provided photo picker that lets users pick photos from their library. The new picker has great features for browsing, searching, making multiple selections, etc. This is perfect for apps like Mimi where people can pick the photos they want to upload with minimum friction and with an experience that feels true to iOS. I’m very conscious of privacy in apps, so it gives me great joy to note that with this new picker Mimi will no longer need to ask for Photos permission.
I had planned to enhance the original photo selection screen with new features for better selection, but now I can utilize that time towards other features that folks have requested. Features that I think will be a lot more useful in the long term, like support for the share sheet, and drag and drop, that allows sending photos into Mimi from other apps. And I have more ideas that I hope to share after this initial set of work is complete.
I can’t wait to bring this new experience to you sometime after iOS 14 launches this Fall. I appreciate your support and comments. If you’ve liked using Mimi, I’d love it if you could give it a rating or review on the App Store. Thank you!
Picked a few pears from our tree. Not sure they’re ready. Might wait another week or so to pick more. Will cut these open tomorrow and see.
Uploaded using Mimi.
All My August Photo Challenge Posts on Micro.blog
1: up 2: floating 3: bug 4: peace 5: flow 6: bisect
7: daytripping 8: view 9: black-and-white 10: windows 11: transport 12: sound
13: filter 14: among 15: silhouette 16: stationary 17: cuddly 18: grid
19: ribbon 20: change 21: crunch 22: home 23: graceful 24: frosty
25: hope 26: relentless 27: overcome 28: emotions 29: flake 30: discovery 31: love
Some notes:
- I constrained myself to photos taken on that day. No digging into the archives.
- A lot of these were taken around the house or the neighborhood, i.e. the pandemic life.
- There was one day where I took a photo but forgot to post and posted the next morning. So there goes my 30 day photo blogging pin on Micro.blog. Again 🤦♂️
- Some days I kinda winged it, as can be seen 😬.
- This photo challenge was managed by @macgenie.
- The last one I did was the February photoblogging challenge.