I was having mixed feelings about Season 2 of Ted Lasso but E5 removed all doubt. It is clear that the show is self aware, and I think they are the best when they are unabashedly joyous. I posit that E4 felt a bit weird because they don’t need a Christmas setting to manifest joy.
The full moon looked really pretty last night. This, however, is grease in a cast-iron pan.
Images uploaded using Mimi.
I’m seeing a lot of discussion around Glass, and I want to add:
a) I like it for reasons I describe in this twitter thread.
b) I know some of the people behind it. They are good people and I trust their intention as described on their website.
P.S. I’m not affiliated with Glass.
💰 Financial (Pro?) Tip for US based folks: You can get a free credit report from the main bureaus via annualcreditreport.com. Once per year per bureau. I’ve been getting them regularly for years to review what creditors have on file. However I get a report from each of the three bureaus every four months. That way I have a little insight into my credit every four months and I can spread them out to once per year per bureau so they are always free. The site can feel a little clunky but it is a good resource IMHO.
Achievement Unlocked: Dust on iPhone 12 Pro 1x camera sensor 😭
Update (9th August, 2021): I took it in to the Apple store today after making an appointment at the Genius Bar. They took it in for an hour and repaired it. Not sure if they replaced the entire 1x camera module but the issue is gone 🎉
Images uploaded using Mimi.